Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets®
MORE than just our tagline – it’s what we DO!

JOIN US TODAY and become a Part-time Patriot AFFILIATE! Put in as much or as little time as you desire. Help us GROW and get paid for your efforts! Every single time a Conservative Business JOINS the American Spirit MARKETPLACE using your unique AFFILIATE link you will be rewarded for your efforts. If you are interested in learning more (AND EARNING MORE) then drop us a line using the form below.

The right person will be a Patriotic Conservative who:

  • Enjoys talking to LOCAL CONSERVATIVE-OWNED BUSINESSES and others such as friends, family, and co-workers, 
  • Is looking for a Conservative mission that has some guts, is bold, has a clear Mission/Vision, and is actually “DOING SOMETHING!”,
  • Will stick with us and is aligned with our core values and principles who also enjoys being a part of something that is growing and effective against Leftism!
  • Could see themselves helping us grow the American Spirit MARKETPLACE while earning $$$$ in return for their efforts!

     I also want all who are interested to know this Affiliate opportunity could help you establish a lucrative monthly revenue stream. No BS. I wrote the Affiliate plan to help us grow awareness of what we are doing AND to give “everyday” Conservatives something BETTER to do than going to another meeting or paying to hear another speaker tell you what we already know. Leftists are ruining the America we love and cherish and I believe this is how we fight back! Vote at the ballot box. Vote with your wallet by supporting Conservatives in critical areas such as Commerce and Employment!

The Patriot Affiliate is a great opportunity for fellow Patriotic Conservatives who wish to do something special for their fellow Conservatives within their communities!

We are growing our secure, online marketplace (American Spirit MARKETPLACE) where Conservative Businesses and Consumers can support each other in Commerce, Employment, Business-networking, Education, Idea-sharing, and more…

  • We own and manage our own servers!
  • We never NEVER sell our members’ data!
  • No annoying click-bait or distracting banner ads!
We are Keeping Conservative Dollars in Conservative Pockets®.

Kevin Sabbides – Founder/CEO

American Spirit MARKETPLACE


Yes – I Am Ready To Get Started!

    American Spirit MARKETPLACE