Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets®
MORE than just our tagline – it’s what we DO!


You have TWO very powerful votes in America! Your FIRST vote is at the ballot box. Your SECOND vote is at the cash register!

Conservative Businesses would prefer to attract and do business with Conservative Consumers who appreciate these businesses are a vital part of a healthy American economy. Conservative Consumers would prefer to spend their hard-earned dollars with Conservative Businesses. Let’s get you registered today!

Patriotic Conservatives Registration

Just Some of the Categories Offered From Local Businesses Near You.


Check out all the benefits when you join the American Spirit MARKETPLACE.


We’re LOCAL!

Each new market brings a true grassroots Conservative movement where “like-minded” Patriotic Conservatives feel like they’re doing something to make a difference!


Community Support

We are Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets® EVERYDAY! Consumers supporting Conservative businesses. Conservative businesses supporting each other. Let’s get to work!


Passion & Purpose

Regardless of where our Conservative passions reside, we should agree where we spend our money – matters!


Safe and Secure

Private servers – No spam – No clickbait – NEVER! Plus, the American Spirit MARKETPLACE will NEVER sell your data!

Ready to Join?

Support Conservative businesses whenever you can. They need you! Register with us to get access to all of the features of the MARKETPLACE!

Consumer Registration



Conservative consumers are looking for you! Never underestimate the POWER of Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets®. We spend our money where our values align!


Community Support

Conservative businesses must seek out and support each other! The American Spirit MARKETPLACE provides the perfect place for this to happen market-by-market.


Together We Stand

As the “cancel-culture” movement grows, Patriotic Conservatives must seek out and support each other!


Community Connections

We are building stronger Conservative coalitions by connecting businesses in the areas of Commerce, Employment, Business-networking, Idea-sharing, and Education.

Ready to Join?

Conservative Consumers want to support you! Conservative Businesses need to support and network with each other! ASM is affordable and focused on LOCAL businesses!

Business Registration

Explore a growing number of offerings and services from member businesses…

Learn how you can help grow ASM in YOUR local marketplace. It’s more than a “parallel economy” – it’s the power of grassroots Conservatives supporting LOCAL Conservative businesses!


We are leading the local charge!

The American Spirit MARKETPLACE is the ONLY Conservative Business and Consumer platform that focuses on supporting LOCAL businesses


Service Categories

We have room to grow. There are hundreds of business categories to expand


Business Members

We are located within the SW Florida market and ready to expand into other markets


Market Affiliates

You Can Make A Difference – TODAY! – In 2024 we seek to onboard additional Market Affiliates across our Constitutional Republic. Learn More

Learn More About Who We Are, What We’re Doing – And WHY!

The American Spirit MARKETPLACE is the only organization focused on building LOCAL markets. We are doing our part to offer fellow Patriotic Conservatives a private and secure platform where we can build STRONGER Conservative coalitions within LOCAL communities.

American Spirit Movement - Explainer
Personal friends of Founder/CEO Kevin Sabbides welcomed us into their home...

Latest News From ASM See All

WHAT I ASKED ChatGPT TODAY – 02/06/2024
Kevin Sabbides
Kevin SabbidesFebruary 6, 2024

In mere seconds this is what ChatGPT had to say when I ...

Kevin Sabbides
Kevin SabbidesDecember 24, 2023

Imagine KNOWING the price of your undertaking yet still you press forward… ...

THE PERIL OF FACTIONS – Insights from George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison in Shaping a Stable Constitutional Republic
Kevin Sabbides
Kevin SabbidesDecember 20, 2023

THE PERIL OF FACTIONS – Insights from George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and ...

Swag World

"It's a great way to get together with other like-minded Conservative businesses to share ideas, and to share business!"

“It’s a great way to get together with other like-minded Conservative businesses to share ideas, and to share business!”

Five Rings Financial - David Terry

...we don't like the direction our country is taking and we like to support the business owners and consumers that are like-minded. Our network is the only one that combines the two, of consumers and business owners, so i strongly urge you to consider joining the American Spirit Marketplace.

…we don’t like the direction our country is taking and we like to support the business owners and consumers that are like-minded. Our network is the only one that combines the two, of consumers and business owners, so i strongly urge you to consider joining the American Spirit Marketplace.

Parkway Printing - Steve Barbosa

We have just launched a renewed site with many upgrades! One such upgrade is to highlight member businesses who feel so compelled to provide their testimonial for what the American Spirit MARKETPLACE is "doing" and how they feel about being part of ASM!  Stay tuned.  More to come...

We have just launched a renewed site with many upgrades! One such upgrade is to highlight member businesses who feel so compelled to provide their testimonial for what the American Spirit MARKETPLACE is “doing” and how they feel about being part of ASM!  Stay tuned.  More to come…

Insurance Pros U.S.A. - Karina Schmitt

I joined American Spirit Marketplace because I believe very strongly in our Constitution, I believe very strongly in our free-market... / ...know exactly who you're doing business with

I joined American Spirit Marketplace because I believe very strongly in our Constitution, I believe very strongly in our free-market… / …know exactly who you’re doing business with

IT 4 Patriots

"We need to band together and pull our conservative resources and keep our money where it counts keeping it in conservative pockets and stop feeding these companies that just actively work against us promoting a woke and Liberal ideology where your money is literally being taken and spent to work...

“We need to band together and pull our conservative resources and keep our money where it counts keeping it in conservative pockets and stop feeding these companies that just actively work against us promoting a woke and Liberal ideology where your money is literally being taken and spent to work against everything you hold near and dear…”

Swag World

"It's a great way to get together with other like-minded Conservative businesses to share ideas, and to share business!"
  • Rob Paul
    Rob Paul


  • David Terry
    David Terry

    Five Rings Financial

  • Steven Barbosa
    Steven Barbosa

    Parkway Printing

  • Karina Schmitt
    Karina Schmitt

  • Ariel Martinez
    Ariel Martinez


Ready to Join the American Spirit MARKETPLACE?

Where we spend our money – matters! Support LOCAL Conservative businesses. They need you! Register with us to get access to all of the features of the marketplace!

Consumer Registration

Conservative businesses should support each other whenever we can. We MUST stick together! Register with us to get access to all of the features of the marketplace!

Business Registration

Stay Informed and Connected.

Subscribe to our Newsletter to Stay Updated on Businesses, Categories, Promotions, and ASM Developments!

American Spirit MARKETPLACE