Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets®
MORE than just our tagline – it’s what we DO!

Register as New Business Member

We are committed to offering low membership rates to help ensure we have high registrations and high retention. You can save 10% if you choose to pay annually. Remember, we’ll do ALL of the work to get your business listing up and running within 2-3 business days!
* $90 SPECIAL OFFER Membership option includes:
  • FREE membership on an “American Spirit MARKETPLACE – Business Networking” team (where available)
  • Premium Member Recognition on Business Listings

  • Values

    Conservative consumers are looking for you! Never underestimate the POWER of Keeping Conservative Dollars In Conservative Pockets™. We spend our money where our values align!

  • Community Support

    Conservative businesses must seek out and support each other! The American Spirit MARKETPLACE provides the perfect place for this to happen market-by-market.

  • Together We Stand

    As the “cancel-culture” movement grows, Patriotic Conservatives must seek out and support each other!

  • Community Connections

    We are building stronger Conservative coalitions by connecting businesses in the areas of Commerce, Employment, Business-networking, Idea-sharing, and Education.

We appreciate you joining! We OWN and manage our own private servers. We will NEVER sell your data! We will NEVER “make you the product” by selling your information to ANYONE – EVER! We are helping fellow Conservatives both locally and from sea-to-shining-sea!

Password must be at least 6 characters and contain at least three of the following elements: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, and special characters of ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ).

I agree to the American Spirit Marketplace Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
American Spirit MARKETPLACE